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Atonement for the Jewish Soul?
Did Moses predict Messiah would die like a suffering lamb?
The Jewish Bible and Life after Death
Jews for Jesus?
Is it True that One Day Most of the Jewish People Will Accept Jesus?
Ancient Bible Text Predicts Messiah Would Die!

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Is God of the Jewish Bible a Trinity?
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The Jewish Bible & Homosexuality
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by Jon Lieberman

    The Indianapolis Star on March 30, 2000, published an article by Michael Paulsson of the Boston Globe, "Reform Rabbis Support Same-Sex Rites." Paulson went on the discuss the resolution just passed by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR). The resolution basically gives a blessing to those Rabbis who want to perform ceremonies for same-gender couples. Paulsson further writes:
    "After the vote, the 500 Reform rabbis spontaneously broke into song, chanting in Hebrew a prayer that Jews recite to thank God for allowing them to experience a special moment."

     I consider it, however, a very tragic moment in Jewish history. It parallels the time when Israel, immediately after the Exodus, violated the commands God gave to Moses. They made a golden calf and bowed down to worship it. They literally started dancing and having a party! (Exodus 32: 1-8, 19)

    The Jewish Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. Moses, unlike these rabbis, believed God's explicit final word on this subject. He wrote: "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it." (Leviticus 18: 22,23)

    Why couldn't the rabbis' next resolution, then, be an endorsement of sex with animals? (The same passage that condemns homosexuality also condemns sex with animals)! If the Bible is rejected as a divinely inspired authoritative guide for what is right and wrong, then possibly these same rabbis might conclude that incest is "worthy of affirmation through appropriate Jewish ritual" (the precise language used in the resolution).

     I find it appalling that the rabbis had the chutzpah to actually think that God might endorse or be pleased with such an abominable resolution. I ask, "Why even call a same-gender ceremony a Jewish ritual?" Why not just call it a secular ceremony. Based on this resolution, I assume that being Jewish now must have hothing to do with the Bible, God, or absolute truth. Why? -- because the divine commands in the Jewish Bible have been rejected!

    Obviously, any organization or couple has the freedom to make up some so-called same-gender ceremony, but wouldn't it be better to leave out all religious language? I believe God's sacred name has been blasphemed when used in such a ceremony. Do the rabbis really think that by somehow using His name in their made-up ritual, that God is forced to acknowledge "kiddushim" in such an unholy union?

    Saul (Paul), a first century rabbi who was a follower of Jesus the Messiah, also condemned homosexuality. He writes in the New Testament:
    "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." (Rom. 1: 26,27)

     Both the Old & New Testaments are in agreement: Homosexuality is a sin!

     Waving the magic wand of a rabbinic resolution can not change God's previously expressed mind about homosexuality. Therefore, my resolution is: to exhort any rabbi that endorsed the CCAR resolution, and admonish him or her to repent, turn back to God, and obey The Lord, rather than man-made rules.

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Updated:  01/03/03